Since its creation, INSAN has collaborated with and received support from the following international organizations:
- Movimiento por la Paz, el disarmente et la liberdad (MPDL)
- Development and Peace / Caritas Canada
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
- United States Institute of Peace
Conferences attended
- UN Council Resolution 1325: Challenges, Amman 2009, Norwegian Church Aid & UNIFEM
- Equity and Justice in a Globalized World, Germany 2007, F. Naumann Foundation, Theodor Heuss Academy, Gumersbach
- Human Rights in the New Iraqi Constitution, Amman 2006, F. Naumann Foundation, representing the Civil Society among academics and parliamentarians
- The new Iraq, a partner for Europe, Belgium 2006, F. Naumann Foundation, Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation, representing the Civil Society among academics and parliamentarians
Trainings received
- Advocacy and Peace Building, 2009, FDCD & D&P
- Community Assessment and Participatory Appraisal, 2008, AID-ME & UNOPS
- International Human Rights Training Program, 2008, Equitas Canada
- Human Rights and Women's Rights,2007, Raoul Wallenberg Institute
- Violence against Women,2007, UNIFEM
- TOT on Human Rights,2007, Equitas Canada
- TOT on Human Rights, Part I & II, 2006, Arab Institute for Human Rights, UNOPS
- TOT for Iraqi NGO leaders, Part I & II, 2005,2006 People in Need
- Conflict Resolution, 2005, NCCI
- Security Training, 2005, CWS/UNAMI
- Capacity Building for Iraqi NGO leaders, 2004, People in Need
- Do no Harm, 2004, NCCI
- Remote Control Management, 2004, NCCI
- IDPs Database Management, 2003, NCCI